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Saile & Saile
DUI Arrest or Traffic Tickets? Get Help Now!

What if I am arrested for DUI in Bucks County?

If a local Bucks County Police officer or a Pennsylvania State Police officer determines that there is probable cause that you have been drinking and driving, you will be arrested.

You will then be placed into ‘custody’, whereby you will be put into hand cuffs, put into the back of a police vehicle or detained at the police station. While in custody, if the police officer asks you questions about the incident, you have the right to remain silent. You may not be provided with your Miranda warnings, but once you are in custody you do not have to answer any questions from a police officer.

During a DUI arrest, you will be requested to provide a blood sample to determine your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) level. It is required that you be read a DL-26 Form. If you give consent to having your blood tested, then you will then be taken to the closest hospital or a local police station for a blood test. Once the blood testing is complete, you will be processed at the police station and released.

If you should refuse blood testing, your refusal will trigger an additional civil license suspension that does not include the potential license suspension you are facing for the DUI. To best protect your rights, Attorney Caterina Saile stays current on all new court rulings that relate to blood testing.

During processing, the police officer will enter your personal data into the police computer system, take your photograph, and process your fingerprints. If you are lucky and live locally, the arresting officer may offer to drive you home. Otherwise, you will need to have someone pick you up at the police station.

Often times you will not receive your charges on the date of your arrest, but will receive a summons in the mail which lists all of your charges and your court date. You may be required to go back to the police station to be formally processed if this was not done on the date of your arrest. The mailing you receive from the court will include instructions for how and where to be processed. This processing must be completed prior to your Bucks County Preliminary Hearing.

You should consult with an experienced DUI attorney as soon as you are arrested for advice on how to navigate the early stages of the DUI process.

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